Monday, March 27, 2006

Wellness Week

Well, it is that time again...Wellness Week on the campus of SWU. The big event for Health Services co-sponsored with Counseling services. Honestly this year hasn't been too bad Counseling services has taken over the speaker duties which is a HUGE relief. Now...just pray that the speaker won't be BORING and that the students will hear what the Lord is saying to them. He's a sex therapist if that tells you anything and let me tell you they NEED to listen. This year has proven there is a need for him to be here it's just all about how he presents his information. Pray that they will open their hearts to hear his message. His first presentation is tomorrow's Chapel at 10:50 - I'll let you know how that goes.

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John, Alex and Luke

John, Alex and Luke
Captured by The Beautiful Mess