Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Tiny Town and making cookies

We took the boys to Tiny Town Sunday night. I have to say it seemed so much bigger and impressive when I was little. I think they enjoyed it but weren't overly impressed.

The boys and I make cookies every year. They had fun decorating them but they had the most fun eating them!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

John's Christmas Program

Alex waiting to get the program started...

John, my sweet reindeer! He did a great job with all of his lines. So proud!

Monday, December 07, 2009

Nanny's Christmas Party

This is my grandmother and her 3 great grand boys! =) Nanny hasn't been doing too well the last week or so. Please say a prayer for her. She's almost 90. We would appreciate your prayers.

Merry Christmas, Nanny. We love you!

Thursday, December 03, 2009


Wow, time flies... it's a repeating theme on this blog. I have great news! I'm going to be an Aunt to a baby GIRL! Yes, you did read that correctly, Ashley is having a girl and I can't wait! I get to buy all those frilly, PINK and RED clothes now. She's gonna be SPOILED rotten. The BEST news of all is that everything looks good with her heart. One more appointment in January to be sure. *pray*

Alex is in full Christmas mode. He can't hardly wait to open his presents. He asks me almost daily if he can open them and if I bought them b/c he was good. He's completely fascinated and amazed to see all the lights on the houses, street lights, etc. The wonder of Christmas in a 4 year old is something special!

We had this discussion on the drive in this morning.
Alex: "Mommy, I can see your building from here. Why is it so tall?"
Me: "Students live there." "Are you gonna live there when you grow up and go to school?"
Alex: "NO, I'm gonna live with you until YOU die!" =)

Tonight was a great night! We decorated our Ginger Bread Train.

Then Alex had a piggy back ride from Mommy.

We had breakfast for supper...pancakes, yum! John lost another tooth in the middle of supper. That is number 3.

The night ended with The Polar Express - well for Alex anyway. He watched it so many times in the past that we can miss it. He LOVES it!

Well, I think that is about it for now. There will more to come as we enter this busy time of year. I've been talking to God and reflecting on some things and I feel lead to be a better encourager. I can send an email to thank someone, I can be nice that person that always seems to have a bad day. I can be more of a reflection of God's love by encouraging others, letting them know they are loved and appreciated.

Sunday, November 22, 2009


Here is a list of what I am thankful for:
* My savior, Jesus Christ.
* My family.
* For John who has discovered that he loves to read and has begun the Chronicles of Narnia series this weekend. He's so excited. I love the excitement he shows as he begins new things.
* For Alex, who for the life of him can not understand why we can't open presents now.
* For the new Caramel Brulae Latee at Starbucks...Oh my...It will only be there for a limited time...
* For my patient, sensitive and kind husband who continues to attend high school football games with me b/c he knows I enjoy them.
*For my parents, who are now my friends.
*For my sister and her family. For the precious new life growing inside of her.

GOD IS SO GOOD. To be continued....

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Happy Birthday, Trey!

4 years ago this precious little miracle entered my life. What a blessing he is to our family. I love you very much sweet boy. You are such a good little boy, even though you cheer for the Gamecocks! =) I know you are gonna be the best big brother ever!

Happy Birthday!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Santa is watching you...

At dinner Friday night Alex asked Shon and I "Does Santa sleep?" We said yes. He said, "Then I can be bad while he is asleep?" We both couldn't help but laugh. Shon recovered first and said no, he sleeps while you sleep and also has lots of helpers watching you at all times. That mischief is just waiting to spring out of him!

Monday, November 09, 2009


Alex's description of the season on the way to daycare today.
"Winter is when all the leaves are off the trees. Fall is when all the leaves are falling off the trees. Spring is when the leaves come back on the trees. And then comes the time when I don't have to wear shoes and socks!"

Here's a picture of John from this summer on our trip that I just love.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Praise the Lord!

Ernie got the best possible news today. He does have lymphoma but it is low grade and at this time because he has no symptoms there is no treatment. He will follow up with the oncologist every 3 months to watch for progression. At some time down the road he may need chemo but for now no treatment!

Thank you, Jesus!

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Update on my Father In Law

We do know that Ernie does have lymphoma, Stage I. This is highly treatable. We will meet with the oncologist today to find out what course of treatment they recommend.

Please pray!


Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

Here are my Star Wars boys

And here they are carving their pumpkins.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Last week was rough. First Alex got sick, then John and then me. Shon was the sole lucky unsick party. Looks like we had the H1N1 - what an unfriendly little germ. I think we are all on the mend now praise the Lord.

Monday, October 19, 2009

The big C

John asked me tonight "How do you get Cancer?" One of those questions that really has no answer. I could tell him some theories... You see, someone he knows is having tests done to determine if they have cancer and it's rocked his world. Because, John is my worrier. He's quiet and holds things in. So, I'm just trying to be honest with and tell all the facts we know at this time. And praying...praying for my Father In Law, Papa Ernie that the tests will all come back normal. Praying that the time that John, Alex and all of us have left with Ernie is going to be very, very long.

Please pray. The biopsies begin tomorrow...

Monday, October 05, 2009

Alex playing soccer...

There is a Publix commercial where the Dad is more nervous about the upcoming soccer game than the little boy...in the end the little boy thinks he's awesome! It very much reminds me of Alex. Let's just say that Alex does not take himself too seriously as an athlete. He has a nack for enjoying life no matter what he's doing. It's very entertaining to watch!

Thursday, September 17, 2009



This precious little boy is going to be a BIG brother!! So that means I get to be an Aunt again. I'm so excited!!! Congrats Ashley, Michael and Trey - we are so happy for you and can't wait for this new addition to join our family.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Movie Night #3 and GIRLS NIGHT!

Thought I would report on Movie night edition 3. We watched Evan Almighty as planned. This was Alex's choice. They watched this several times in the car on our trip to NY. I had not seen it until this week and it was very cute. John fell asleep at the end....

I forgot to post last week when I told you about Hannah Montana that John has a picture of Miley Cyrus on his wall. He got it last summer from a friend out of one of those tween magazines. He wouldn't want anyone to know about it I'm sure. =) I think it's cute. I used to love when my mom would by me those magazines.

Tonight is GIRLS NIGHT OUT! My best friend, Jenn and I are having dinner at Portofino's one of our favorite Italian places and then we are going to see the Time Traveler's Wife. Looking forward to this. The boys are headed to the Westminster Racetrack for a race.

Have a great weekend...
And here's a picture of us from DC on our summer trip...

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Movie Night -- Week 2

We deviated from our movie list this week and rented Hannah Montana from the Red Box. I love the Red Box!! And, the movie was excellent. We all enjoyed it. It is actually one TV show that is good. Next week we are back to our list with Evan Almighty.

Cute Quotes from the boys...
Papa Ernie told John he was lucky on Sunday night and I said it's in his genes. John looked over at me and said "but I'm not wearing jeans." =)

Alex said this on the way to school this morning in Norris where the sun is particularly bright and in our eyes. "Who turned on the light? Who turned on the sun?" I said, "God did." He said, "well you need to tell him to turn it off, it is too bright!".


Tuesday, September 01, 2009

First Day of School

My big boys on the first day of 3rd grade and 4k(at daycare).

They both had good days. Alex was so excited he talked all the way home. He said, "we got to paint - with. our. fingers! Those eyes were huge. He also told me the 3 year old class now only has 3 people in it. I said that is a small class and he said actually it is a big class but not with many people in it. So, funny. John is a child of few words and so he told me he had a fine day, played with his best buddy Braxton at recess and ate a hot dog for lunch. That's about all I got from him.

Check out the boys back in 2007 on John's first day of 1st grade...

Monday, August 31, 2009

Children's Museum

Shon and I took the day off on Friday and took the boys to the new Children's Museum in Greenville. It was awesome. They both had a great time. The car section was of course their favorite (I have NO idea where they get that from).

They had a control room where the boys got to do their on weather cast.

We always have to do one silly picture and then one semi-serious one. Sorry the first one is blurry...

Tomorrow is our first day of school. John will begin 3rd grade. Pictures to come...


Thursday, August 27, 2009

Movie Night

Last night during dinner John proposed that we have a weekly movie night. First, he said Friday's, then Thursday and then because it was Wednesday he decided we could start last night. (Daddy is not allowed on the computer during this time!) He chose Prince Caspian as our first weekly movie. We then had to proceed to pick out 10 movies for the next 10 weeks each of us taking turns picking one. He got out notebook paper and wrote them down in order of our intended viewing. Would you say he has a little OCD? It was great and a very fun time. Enjoying this time when they actually want to watch movies with us!

Oh, by the way...have any of you heard about that little thing called the SWINE flu? It's keeping me very busy and not with sick people -- there is NO outbreak right now.....

And here is a picture of the boys watching Andy Griffith, one of their favorite shows!

Friday, August 14, 2009

And so it begins...

Again... 200 something new transfers and freshman have arrived on our campus... the semester will begin next Tuesday.

I was asked today if I was still going to post on my blog. Apparently my one loyal reader has missed my post! =)

I will leave you with what Alex said to me the other day. "I have 2 brains." I asked if I could use one of them?" He said, "sure Mommy!" I sure needed the extra one this week.

And because I have been told every post is better with a picture, I leave you with these... one of John playing baseball and one of Alex weed eating the carpet for me.

I'll try to do better posting at least weekly.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Niagara Falls and Buffalo Zoo

I'm finally adding more pictures from our trip.
We borrowed a portable DVD player. Best idea ever!!!

The Falls...

Buffalo Zoo

Shon's skills as a photographer...pretty!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Sweet Daisy

We received some bad news on our vacation last week. Our sweet little puppy Daisy died suddenly on Monday, June 8. My father in law was caring for her while we were away and was with her when she died. We aren't sure what happened as she was fine the day before. The boys were quite upset. Alex kept saying "But I wanted her to grow up!". John just cried.

We'll miss ya girl!

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Handsome Ringbearer

Here are pictures from Miss Bwittney's wedding. Alex was the ring bearer. He did a great job.
He told us that he was so handsome that Miss Bwittney might want to marry him instead Jarred. Then he said, "I'm so handsome maybe Miss Bwittney will take me back to McDonald's."

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Awards Night, Baseball and NY here we come...

Is it seriously June 2nd already??? WOW! Last night was awards night for John. Here is a picture. The sun was a little bright! He got an award for making all A's and B's all year.

Here he is in his baseball uniform, ready to go.

2 more days and we're off on our big adventure to NY!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Apparently Alex was too tired to stay awake for dinner...

The boys at Easter, hamming it up for the camera.

See my muscles...this is John's tatoo from the Issaqueena festival in Six Mile on Saturday. Alex asks to see his muscles and he pulls up his shirt for him to see the tatoo.

Alex just had to have his hair spiked today. Then on the way to daycare he couldn't lean back in his seat or it would squish is hair!'

John, Alex and Luke

John, Alex and Luke
Captured by The Beautiful Mess