Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Happy Birthday, Moma, Ma, Gan Gan and Mama K.....!

As you can see we have a lot of birthday's in the month of February. They all start with John's on January 31st and continue right up until Michael's on March 8th. Today is Moma's Birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope you are having a good day. You are a wonderful Mother and the best friend I could ever have. I'm so glad that we are not only mother and daughter but that we are friends as well. You are the best and I couldn't make it through life without you! Thanks for all you have done for me and all that you continue to do for me each and every day. I'm very blessed and I thank God for you.

I need to update my picture...the boys have grown a lot since this one at the beach...I'll try to do that this weekend when we have dinner to celebrate.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Happy Birthday, Nanny

Today is my grandmother's 87 birthday! Wow, that's a long life! I hope if I make it that far I have as good of a life as she has! With a loving family around me and pretty good health. I love you, Nanny and wish a wonderful day!!

In other news...did you see that Jon Bon Jovi is gonna be a guest on American Idol. How cool is that?! I'm so excited!

Friday, February 23, 2007


Couldn't really think of a title...just miscellaneous thoughts going through my mind today. The students are leaving for Spring break...yes Spring break. It's early, but it couldn't come at a better time. There is a tremendous amount of sickness right now so I'm glad they are going home and getting away from one another for a little while hopefully they won't bring their germs back....

I'm officially 32 now. Doesn't feel any different to be 32...Amazing how fast the time goes by though.

Alex and John are doing great. John is going to the rodeo tonight with Papa - he's very excited. Alex is spending the night with Papa and Gan Gan. They both have fun evenings planned. Shon is having guys night out and I have Prayer Partners tonight with the girls from Sunday School. So....tomorrow we celebrate my grandmother's birthday. Lot's of birthdays in the family this month!

I leave you with a verse I like that was on my calendar yesterday -

"The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace." Numbers 6:24 - 26

Friday, February 16, 2007


I just can't believe that you are 2 years old today!! WOW! Where does the time go? You are such a joy to our family! Your little personality is developing and becoming your own and it is a pleasure to watch. I love hearing you tell us how old you will be today - twwwoooo - and that you're going to have a 'Melmo' cake at your party tomorrow. I look forward to seeing what all you are going to become. You are precious to me. I love you.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Mind reading!

I went to the grocery store yesterday. Each week the night before I go as I'm making my list of what we need I always ask Shon and John if they have any items they'd like to request that I buy. Well, I had bought John some mini blueberry muffins that he likes yesterday. When he saw them as we were unloading the van he said 'Oh, Moma you bought me blueberry muffins and I didn't even tell you to.' I asked him how I knew he wanted them and he quickly replied 'you read my mind.' He was very serious, too. Thinking back there were many times when I would have thought my mom was a mind reader and when I thought she had eyes in the back of her head, too. Maybe, secretly mom's do...they do seem to know us better than anyone else, don't they?!

Thursday, February 01, 2007


Who doesn't love a snow day?! It's just great. Of course I didn't get my hopes up last night when they were predicting it but when I woke up this morning about 6am we had about 4 inches of the white stuff covering the ground. It was beautiful! I woke John up to see - he wasn't too excited to be woken up - but once he saw it he was just as excited as me and could not wait to get outside and play! It quickly turned to rain but we still had a great time sledding, throwing snowballs and building a snow man. This was Alex's first snow and the first one we've seen here at our new home. It was great...no work and now school. Couldn't have asked for a more perfect day! WE LOVED IT!!! Maybe we'll get some more this year...a snow day a month would be just perfect for us.

John, Alex and Luke

John, Alex and Luke
Captured by The Beautiful Mess