Thursday, December 01, 2011

Lucas is 12 months old!

One year ago today the Lord gave me a very special gift! A sweet, precious gift. I prayed for you for a while before you were born and what a blessing you have been. In a very difficult year you have brought me more joy than I could ever imagine. Your name means light and that's just what you have given me!

You are wearing size 12 months clothes now. You weigh 20 pounds and wear size 4 diapers. You finally got your first tooth! And about 5 days later your 2nd one came in, too. You have taken about 3 steps 2 different times. I wonder if you will be walking by Christmas if not before!! You still say "hey", "da da", and today you said "bye". You also say "AHH" which I think is your way of saying Alex. You are precious to all of us. You adore your big brothers and absolutely idolize your Daddy! We all love you more than we could have ever imagined.
We leave for Disney World in 2 weeks and I can't wait to see what you think! It will be something to have a 1 year old at Disney I am sure.
Love you, my Lukie! You are such a blessing!

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Lucas is 11 months old!

Lucas you are 11 months old! You are almost 20lbs! You are wearing mostly 12 month clothes now and size 4 diapers. You are pulling up on everything. You are eating table food for the most part. You really did not like the stage 3 baby food. You say "hey" "da da". You wave at us all the time. You like to dance, too. You are still in awe of your big brothers and quite honestly they are still in awe of you. It's such a joy to watch you interact with them. You are the light of my life right now!

Saturday, October 01, 2011

Lucas is 10 months old!

Lucas you are 10 months old! You are wearing 9-12 months clothes and size 3 diapers. You continue to be the joy and light of our lives. It's been a difficult few weeks and we are so thankful to have you in this time of grief!

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

First Day of School

Finally, school has begun! It was a long summer for us. The boys were ready to begin today. On the way to school we saw a beautiful rainbow reminding us of God's promises. I think it's going to be an amazing year, God is good all the time.

My precious John is in the 5th grade. We are going to enjoy all that this last year of elementary school will bring!

Sweet Alex begins first grade this year. He is excited to learn to read. He was so pleased to get the teacher he wanted. We look forward to all that he will learn and how much he will change.

Secretly they really do like each other....

And they love their little brother...and he adores them both!

Hoping you both have an awesome year. Love you!

Thursday, September 01, 2011

Lucas is 9 months old!

You are 9 months old. You are babbling like crazy. The only thing we can make sense of is "Hey der (Hey there)" and "Da Da". You really love to tease Mommy when I tell you to say "Ma Ma" you laugh and either say Da Da or just give me a really big grin. You love your brothers and now that the weather has cooled off some we have enjoyed going to some baseball practices to watch them. You are wearing size 4 diapers now. You are still in your 6-9 month clothes mostly. You have worn a few 12month clothes. You are now pulling up on everything and are so proud of yourself when you do. You still have NO teeth. You love to eat your baby food and still enjoy your bottles as well. You have the most precious disposition and are happy just about all the time. You sleep from about 9pm - 7am every night (hope that continues!). We love you very much, Lukie. I know one of these days your gonna say, 'stop calling me Lukie!'

Monday, August 01, 2011

Lucas is 8 months old

You are 8 months old! You are growing way too quickly! You are wearing size 3 diapers. You are wearing 6-9 months clothes. You enjoy swimming and being outside. You are sitting up all by yourself now and love playing with your toys but mostly with your brothers Hot Wheels! You say "Da Da". You know who Daddy is, too. You continue to be a joy to all of us each and every day!!

Friday, July 01, 2011

Lucas is 7 month old!

You are growing so fast!! You have reached many milestones this month! You now love your baby food. Not every thing but most of it. Especially your cereal and fruit in the morning. You are getting very close to 18lbs. You mostly wearing 6-9 month clothes and a size 3 diaper. Your biggest milestone just this past week is that you are crawling! Wow, watch out world and especially watch out big brothers!! :) You continue to be a joy to us all.

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Lucas is 6 months old!

Lucas you are 6 months old! You weigh 15 lbs and are 27 inches long. You are growing up so fast. You are rolling all over the place. You smile all the time. Love your brothers! Alex can make you laugh the most. You are wearing some of your 3-6 months clothes but are quickly moving in to your 6-9 month clothes. We have moved to size 3 diapers. You sleep pretty much all night. We've just started a little bit of baby food and you are not very impressed just yet. You are a happy baby most all of the time for which are very thankful for. You have traveled well with us through baseball season to many games. :) We love you very much and are so thankful that the Lord blessed our family with you.

Saturday, May 28, 2011


So hard to believe that this sweet little boy graduated from K5 last week.

Look at him now. With his best bud Brayden

So proud of my boy. He got the best in Math award and one of 2 citizenship awards. What a great year we have had. Alex you are and always will be my angel baby! Love you!!

Sunday, May 01, 2011

Lucas is 5 months old!

You are rolling all over the place. You are wearing size 3 diapers now. Still wearing 3-6 months clothes but starting to wear some 6-9 months. You smile all the time. You adore your big brothers and are the happiest baby. You are talking and squealing. You love for Alex to talk to you and try to make you laugh. You are even reaching for John especially. You also reach for your favorite toys. You continue to be a delight and joy to our family every day.

Friday, April 01, 2011

Lucas is 4 months old!!

Lucas you are 4 months old. You are precious. You have us all wrapped around your little finger. We adore you. You weigh 13 1/2 lbs. You are wearing 3-6 months clothes. A few 6 month clothes. Size 2 diapers. You have been sick only twice and went for your first sick appointment to the pediatrician. Even had Mommy stay home from work with you one day for a respiratory infection-- basicly a bad cold. =) You're talking up a storm and laughing. This week we finally get to start daycare with Miss Jennifer. The same babysitter that kept your brothers. Mommy is very excited because I know you will be loved and well cared for. Baseball season is just getting started as well and I think you are going to love it. You enjoy outside so much and can't get enough of your brothers. Here's a short video of you. You wouldn't say too much for me. Just know you are our precious gift from the Lord!

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Lucas your are 3 months old!

Where or where has the time gone? I can't believe your 3 months old now. I return to work this week and you have done perfect! I on the other hand have had a hard time leaving my sweet baby!

You are at least 13 pounds. You have pretty much grown in to mostly 3-6 months clothes and are wearing size 2 diapers. You are still a joy to all of us. We all celebrate in every milestone. You smile all the time. You are laughing and blowing rasberries now. We love you!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Happy Birthday, Alex!

Happy 6th Birthday baby boy! You are the life of the party. You wake up smiling and talking and do not stop all day. You bring so much laughter and joy to our home and family. God blessed us beyond words when he gave you to us. You have grown up so much this year. You're so smart and have done so well in K5. You have your very own style, which includes right now jeans with ripped knees and fleece sweatshirts. You also are enjoying sporting a mohalk. I love you very much. And yes, you will ALWAYS be my angel baby!!!

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

2 months!

Lucas you are 2 months old today. You are so precious to our family. Each new thing you do is celebrated by all 4 of us. You are a very happy baby! You smile all the time.
You are wearing some 0-3 clothes but are quickly transitioning to 3-6 months. You are still wearting size 1 diapers but I expect that to change very soon. We see the doctor tomorrow so I will update the blog with your official stats tomorrow. We thank God for you everyday! You are a special blessing to us.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Happy Birthday, John!

10 years ago today you entered my life and I was forever changed. Those beautiful blue eyes had me mesmerized from day one and still do! You are such a precious boy and I am proud to be your Mama. I thank God for you. I love this picture of you with Lucas and the way you love your little brother. You welcomed him in to your life with such love and grace. I hope you have an amazing day my sweet, sweet boy!!

Saturday, January 01, 2011

Lucas is 1 month old!

Lucas you are 1 month old today! I can not believe a month has already passed. We have been busy with the holidays. You are a joy! Such a sweet baby. I can see both your brothers in you at different times and with different expressions. We are working on your sleeping. =)

We celebrated your first Christmas! John and Alex adore you.

John and Alex enjoyed your first snow as well! What a memory snow on your first Christmas.

We love you very much! We are so blessed to have you in our family.

John, Alex and Luke

John, Alex and Luke
Captured by The Beautiful Mess