Sunday, November 22, 2009


Here is a list of what I am thankful for:
* My savior, Jesus Christ.
* My family.
* For John who has discovered that he loves to read and has begun the Chronicles of Narnia series this weekend. He's so excited. I love the excitement he shows as he begins new things.
* For Alex, who for the life of him can not understand why we can't open presents now.
* For the new Caramel Brulae Latee at Starbucks...Oh my...It will only be there for a limited time...
* For my patient, sensitive and kind husband who continues to attend high school football games with me b/c he knows I enjoy them.
*For my parents, who are now my friends.
*For my sister and her family. For the precious new life growing inside of her.

GOD IS SO GOOD. To be continued....

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Happy Birthday, Trey!

4 years ago this precious little miracle entered my life. What a blessing he is to our family. I love you very much sweet boy. You are such a good little boy, even though you cheer for the Gamecocks! =) I know you are gonna be the best big brother ever!

Happy Birthday!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Santa is watching you...

At dinner Friday night Alex asked Shon and I "Does Santa sleep?" We said yes. He said, "Then I can be bad while he is asleep?" We both couldn't help but laugh. Shon recovered first and said no, he sleeps while you sleep and also has lots of helpers watching you at all times. That mischief is just waiting to spring out of him!

Monday, November 09, 2009


Alex's description of the season on the way to daycare today.
"Winter is when all the leaves are off the trees. Fall is when all the leaves are falling off the trees. Spring is when the leaves come back on the trees. And then comes the time when I don't have to wear shoes and socks!"

Here's a picture of John from this summer on our trip that I just love.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Praise the Lord!

Ernie got the best possible news today. He does have lymphoma but it is low grade and at this time because he has no symptoms there is no treatment. He will follow up with the oncologist every 3 months to watch for progression. At some time down the road he may need chemo but for now no treatment!

Thank you, Jesus!

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Update on my Father In Law

We do know that Ernie does have lymphoma, Stage I. This is highly treatable. We will meet with the oncologist today to find out what course of treatment they recommend.

Please pray!


John, Alex and Luke

John, Alex and Luke
Captured by The Beautiful Mess