Monday, August 20, 2007

What do you want to happen this year?

Prior to beginning the school year John had to complete a get to know you questionnaire for his new teacher. The last question was tell me one thing you want to happen this year. When I asked him the question without hesitation my sweet, innocent little first grader said, "I want to lose a tooth. I can't believe I haven't lost one yet!" So, cute...wanting to grow up soooo fast. Tomorrow is his last day before school starts. We met his teacher today. Mrs. Alexander. Cool thing is I've known her since she was 5. She was Ashley's best friend all through school, since kindergarten. I know for sure she will take good care of him so I won't have to worry about him one bit each day.


Candice of 'The Beautiful Mess' said...

John is so smart, seriously.

Jared and Sara Christensen said...

I would say his wish is the opposite of mine...haha. what a cutie

John, Alex and Luke

John, Alex and Luke
Captured by The Beautiful Mess