Sunday, August 26, 2007

First Day of School

This was John's picture on the first day of school. Iknow I'm a little behind. It's just been a little busy lately. With my school starting back, John starting back and soccer starting. Hopefully, I will get some soccer pictures this week, too. He seems to be enjoying soccer. Alex just had to join him for the picture.

We now have 3 baby kittens...anyone want to guess on how that happened?? Ashley and Moma you don't get to guess since you already know...


Anonymous said...

Oh Please let me guess. It is such a great story. You need pics of the kitties and then you need to tell the story to all. It is too good to keep to your self!!

Kathy said...

I agree with Ashley. You really must tell this story. It is too hilarious not to.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Ashley & your mom. I've heard bits & pieces but would LOVE to hear the whole story. Let this story in it's entirity be tomorrow's blog!!! Sound good??? haha

Anonymous said...

sounds great Lisa...we are waiting Lori!!

John, Alex and Luke

John, Alex and Luke
Captured by The Beautiful Mess