Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Valentine's Day is my first post that's cool! I think I'm going to enjoy the opportunity to express my thoughts here. I've caught the blogging bug from reading Candice and Sara's blog.

Have you seen the Publix commercial where the little boy tells his mom he wants to make a cake? She assumes he wants to make the cake for a girl that he likes. They have a great time together making the cake. Then the next day when she takes him to school he leaves the cake with her all along having made it for her. The commercial brings tears to my eyes every time. It's so sweet. Especially since I have 2 little boys of my own now. I feel so blessed to have them and right now I have them all to myself. Their eyes light up when they see me, me, just me. It's the greatest feeling in the whole world - to be loved that much. At the same time it does make me sad to know that the time is so short that this love will last....I know they will always love me but this all consuming love that they have for me will not last forever. Now, don't get me wrong I really wouldn't want it to, I want them to grow up and fall in love, get married and move on. I just feel so blessed right now to have those special little guys in my life. God has blessed me in so many ways -- given me so much love. I mean I have a wonderful family 2 very loving parents, a wonderful sister and brother in law with a beautiful new nephew. Very special friends! And I married the only man I've ever loved and that love has grown beyond anything I could have ever imagined and now our love has created these 2 beautiful little guys. What an incredible journey to be on!!

Happy Valentine's Day!!


BassManMichael said...

Wow, I've always wanted to do one of these, and if my sis-in-law can do it, then by George, I'm signing up too. Nice first post. ALMOST made me cry. Look forward to reading yours, but only if you promise to read mine!!


Lori said...

We have a deal - I'll read your blog and you read mine! Like I said I'm addicted to a few others so I'll just add yours to my list. Great first post! Brought tears to my eyes. Nothing like being a parent....

Love that little guy, too.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely cannot believe that my sister has a blog sight. You are just too hip for me. And now you have my hubby hooked. Enjoyed your first post. Precious commercial. Looking forward to triple T's tomorrow!!

Anonymous said...

WOW, my wife has entered the blogging world, this should be interesting to see the insights.
I am very thankful for Lori and my family, she is more to me than I deserve and I thank her for all that she does for me and the family.
Love you babe and I enjoy checking up on your blog from time to time.

Always and Forever, SH

Anonymous said...

I was in tears reading your first post. Anything sentimental about being a mom brings me to tears quick. We ARE blessed aren't we??? I have NO idea what a blog site is but looks neat. You'll have to clue me in. I'm sooooo NOT hip ....... in fact, I JUST bought my very first digital camera. heee heee. Anyway, cool first entry. Being a mom is always easy to write about, huh. LISA

Candice of 'The Beautiful Mess' said...


You are so real...and it seeps through your writings. I think it's wonderful the way you love your family....I pray that if God ever gives me children (and you know that I have never really wanted any of my own) that I would love them the way you love your children.

IF you need any blogging help...(tech stuff) let me know...and I will hook you up!

Miss you and take care....

John, Alex and Luke

John, Alex and Luke
Captured by The Beautiful Mess