Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Taking Advantage

Have you ever been taken advantage of? Well, my student's are taking advantage of me...or should I say they are taking advantage of a policy that I have to enforce. And I'm taking it personally. I don't exactly know why it upsets me so much. I guess because I try so hard to be good to them and when you get taken advantage of it makes you feel hurt and betrayed. It occurred to me on the way to work today that the Lord must feel that way about us as his children. He is so good to us - beyond words good to us and how do we repay him? We don't thank him enough for our blessings and we certainty don't spend enough time with him in his word seeking his guidance for our lives. I think I see the lesson he is teaching me here.

Have a great day!!


BassManMichael said... hit me in a sore spot with that one. Nice sermon!! :)

Brett said...

hey's great to see that you've joined the world of blogging...i'm sorry if i ever took advantage of those great blue slips you hand out!! check out my blog to hear what i'm up to these days. i miss stopping by to chat!

Candice of 'The Beautiful Mess' said...

that is SO aggravating...and I totally feel you on this one!

John, Alex and Luke

John, Alex and Luke
Captured by The Beautiful Mess