Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Well, so far so good with kindergarten. John told me Sunday as we were getting his clothes ready for the week "I really like this kindergarten thing." He had to wear a certain color every day this week. He loved that of course. Today was blue day. I'm wearing blue, too. I don't think he noticed though. The only thing he doesn't like is homework...boy does he have a lot of fun times ahead. He's only had to practice writing his name a few times and collect a few things to take in. Otherwise he's doing great.

Alex is good. I don't remember if I posted that we got 2 new kittens or not. Lil Munchkin and Ranger. Alex absolutely loves to watch them play together. That is his favorite thing to do. He'll stand at the door and just watch them. He constantly has to go to the door to check on the kitties. I'll try to post pictures soon.

The students are back at SWU. So far so good. I enjoy seeing the freshman come to school. Although, this year I've realized they just don't look old enough to be here. I think that means I'm getting old.

I have a prayer request, a former student I spent a lot of time with last semester Roscoe is facing surgery in a couple of weeks he needs your prayers. Thanks....


Anonymous said...

Nope, it's not a good sign when college students start looking like kids to ya ....:)

BassManMichael said...

Great...just what we need..more freaking cats!! I'll be sure to have my pistol ready when I come over the next time...Ha! Glad to hear John is liking school so far. If he thinks homework is bad now, he's in for a long 12 years!! He's a smart kid, he'll get used to it. Tell my favorite nephews Uncle Michael loves 'em!!

Candice of 'The Beautiful Mess' said...

will pray for roscoe...please keep us updated!

John, Alex and Luke

John, Alex and Luke
Captured by The Beautiful Mess