Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Vacation Bible School

This week is Vacation Bible School at church. John has been looking forward to it for a few weeks now. I know how very important Bible School is because this is where I came to accept the Lord as my Savior. Well, John was telling us about his night. He said they had peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for supper with too much peanut butter. He said they got to jump on the inflatable for awhile and that was fun. He said they learned about Jesus, when he was born. I asked him if there were any other boys in his class and he said "no I was surrounded by girls." Then he said "well the only other boy in my class was Jesus, yep just me and Jesus." I just thought that was the most awesome comment. He's only 5 I know but obviously he knows who Jesus is and he felt Jesus presence enough to include him in his class last night - how cool is that. Him and Jesus the only two boys in the class. I'm in awe as I usually am by this beautiful blue eyed kid!


Anonymous said...


BassManMichael said...

That's the little guy I know and love!!

Ashley said...

JOhn is a sweetie. Can't wait until he accepts Christ and is baptised. That will be a wonderful day!!

Candice of 'The Beautiful Mess' said...

that gets me all teary-eyed...

John, Alex and Luke

John, Alex and Luke
Captured by The Beautiful Mess