Thursday, May 29, 2008

Sentimental Mommy Moment

The crib came down tonight. We bunked the boys back in December but kind of put off bringing down the crib... we're having house guest this weekend and will use that room for them. Not sure how long the bunking will last. The boys are just at different stages and John likes his private time, to play in his 'way'. I almost cried. My boys are growing up so fast and I just pray that I cherish each and every precious moment with them, each little foot step on the hard wood, each little laugh when they don't know I'm listening, every 'Mom, I like you!', the flowers they pick me, their sweet, sweet smell. I know, I know... I'm being all sentimental but time just passes so quickly and we reach these milestones so fast - I don't want to forget those midnight feedings or standing over that crib and watching them's forever stamped on my heart and it's gone in a blink.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Precious post! Sad too though. I dread the day but it's getting closer and closer for me too. It seems LIKE YESTERDAY that we went and carefully picked out our crib as I know it does for you too. We picked it out for the little boy who finishes THIRD grade tomorrow! How can that be?? I DO empathize with this sentimental mommy moment you had to endure! Love and understanding to you!

John, Alex and Luke

John, Alex and Luke
Captured by The Beautiful Mess