Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Vietnam Memorial

The traveling Vietnam War Memorial was at Clemson's Bowman Field on homecoming weekend. We went with my parents on Sunday, the 16th. I want my boys to have an appreciation of what their grandfather did. The sacrifices he and his fellow soldiers made. It was really amazing how they replicated the memorial. Although, there is no comparison to the actual monument in DC, this is an incredible way for those who may never have an opportunity to see the one up there. One flower and note left there said simply "I still miss you."...

As soon as I was old enough to realize my dad was a veteran it became very important for me to make him see how much I value his service to his country. I want my children to respect the sacrifices that have been made for this country. Those made by Vietnam Veterans are somehow made even more special in my opinion. Where now, soldiers come home to standing ovations on airplanes or flags raised. Soldiers from the Vietnam War would change out of their uniforms in an airport bathroom, trying to remove the scent of war, so no one would know where they had been because at that time there was no honor in their service. I'm glad that has changed. And I'm thankful that my children had an opportunity to see a monument dedicated to all those who lost there lives there serving our country and the freedoms we sometimes take for granted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish I would have known about this being in Clemson!!!!! We would have definetely went.

John, Alex and Luke

John, Alex and Luke
Captured by The Beautiful Mess