Sunday, October 26, 2008


If you haven't seen this movie you should! Take a box of Kleenex with you and plan to be blessed. I really hope they keep making these movies. Just amazing. The acting is not gonna win any oscars but the storyline was amazing.

I know I need to update! John is moving right along. Had to buy new clothes this weekend b/c he had no pants or shirts he could wear. He's going to be a Dallas Cowboy Football player for Halloween - he looks really awesome! Alex is Dale Earnhart, Jr. They both look really good. This week will be quite busy. Soccer, Halloween festival, more soccer and more soccer.

Hope to have some pictures up for you to see as well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My hard drive crashed so I've been without a computer for awhile. I just got it back today and wanted to see if you'd updated. I loved Fireproof!!! It was such a good message and something we all could learn from even if your marriage isn't breaking up. I really wish more movies were made like that too. It was soooo refreshing from the violence and language Hollywood produces. My boys will be Jack Sparrow, Indiana Jones and a fisherman.

John, Alex and Luke

John, Alex and Luke
Captured by The Beautiful Mess