Thursday, August 07, 2008

Wedding Pics

I know, I know, it's already Thursday and I'm just now getting the pics up. Where has the week gone. It's crazy time at work as we prepare for the 200 or so new students on the way next week.

Can you see the corn in the background? Michelle had to get married this summer or wait 2 years for their to be corn in the field behind her house again. =) There was plenty of corn!! This is her dance with her sweet.


Anonymous said...

Such a nice blog. I hope you will create another post like this.

Anonymous said...

I just love your short hair. Looks so cool and comfortable!

Jared and Sara Christensen said...

She looks beautiful! Congrats to her. Keep up the hard work, students will be here soon and you will be back in the swing of things. Maybe after things calm down for you and before we have our baby we can get together again!

John, Alex and Luke

John, Alex and Luke
Captured by The Beautiful Mess