Today was John's first day of 2nd grade. Again, I know I say it over and over again...I can't believe he's in 2nd grade. If I keep up this blog in 10 years (GOD HELP ME) you'll see a picture of him going off for the first day of his senior year. He was hamming it up for the camera this morning.
He had a great day. He was talking my ears off when we got home. He seemed to like it a lot. Either he's gotten more used to it or he's liking the greater responsibility/freedom he's going to gain, I'm not sure. We'll see. Soccer practice started tonight as well. No rest for the weary...
Alex began his new journey this week as well at his new daycare. He was so excited yesterday that he couldn't nap during 'nap' time. We enjoyed his company as you can imagine last night immensely. Needless to say he was in bed by 8:30. Today he must have slept b/c there he was back to normal. He really loves the playground and packing his lunch -- he has become quite attached to lunchables. The receptiveness of pre-schoolers. =)
Here is a picture of him from the other night. He loves to borrow my Ipod. This particular time he fell asleep to Bon Jovi I'm sure.