I went with John on his first field trip yesterday. I promise I will post a picture later. I don't have the camera with me at work today. It was a really fun trip. We went to a little farm in Pelzer. The bus ride there was quite the adventure (loud!). We went on a hay ride, though the corn maze, bat cave and alligator aly. We saw chickens, a goat and donkey, turkeys and a huge pig. We got to pick out a pumpkin each and had a picnic lunch. It was a beautiful day. I enjoyed getting to put faces with all the names I hear about. I got to meet Alyssa Dear and I got to see that my John is quite the ladies man. He got a big hug from a beautiful little girl Alexis (he hugged back, too!). Anytime, the little girl's moms were taking pictures he gladly joined in for the picture. It was a great day. He fell asleep on the bus ride back. I still can't believe he's so grown up. One thing is for sure though I couldn't be a teacher and I have the highest respect for those of you who are (ASHLEY!). I look forward to many more field trips with my boys though! It sure doesn't take much to impress 5 years olds. Although there was debate over which was better recess or the farm, I think the votes were tied at 50/50.
It's fall break here at SWU this week and the quiet has been so nice. It comes so fast after we start back and is so appreciated once it gets here. I love Fall it's my favorite time of year. The leaves are changing, there is a crispness in the air and of course there is FOOTBALL! Wow - those Tigers really pulled out a close one this weekend...I missed it though..went to a wedding and when I went in it was 17-3 and when I came back out to the van before the reception they had come back to win. Had to rely on the highlights on the news. Anyway...I'm looking forward to tomorrow and Friday off. It's supposed to be nice weather although a little cooler which I'm looking forward to. I like the first hint of sweater weather.
Alex is great too by the way...his new words are down and gone gone. Of course he's usually referring to food when he says gone gone. And down is always when you pick him up and he is not ready to stop doing whatever it was he was doing. He likes telling the kitties 'no no' and in the mornings telling John to come on when he's ready to go. His version is 'dohn, mon'. Too cute I must say.
Pictures to come...promise.