Last week my husband told me to plan NOT to work my regular schedule last night. I usually work late on Wednesday evening. He told me to get my student to cover for me, that he had a date planned. He got a babysitter and everything! So, last night he took me to dinner at Wild Wings (yummy!) then this is soooo romantic...he took me to see the 20th anniversary special presentation of Dirty Dancing on the big screen. One of my all time favorite movies. So, so sweet and thoughtful. It was awesome to see it on the big screen. Of course I can pretty much quote the entire movie. The craziest thing is that 20 years ago when it came out I was 12 and my parents wouldn't even let me see. I've more than made up for it last night was probably the 100th or more time I've seen it.
I would have to say this is one of the most romantic things he's done for me! Very sweet and thoughtful. Thanks baby! I love you...
awww...that's so romantic!!! what a GREAT surprise for you.
i have to agree....i wasn't allowed to watch dirty dancing...and didn't see it until i was 18 (which was a long time ago).
glad you guys had a great time!
That really is precious....Michael are you reading this?? What a sweet brother! I do think the world of him...he is a super dad, husband, and uncle!!
I remember having a babysitter who talked on and on about the movie when I was around 7 or so, so of course I wanted to see it and talked about it to my mom. Needless to say, I never had that babysitter again. I eventually saw the movie, but I want to say that I was in late high school or early college by the time I did. prop to Shon, that is sweet!
Yes honey, I'm reading this.
Gee thanks Shon...How am I supposed to top that?? LOL.
How sweet ! I'm quite impressed Shon. I didn't know ya had it in you! LOL Glad ya'll had a fun night out.
I am having the time of my life and it's all b/c of you!
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